Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday Evening In Rwanda

Not much to report as we wrap up the day.

I spent the day trying to rest up. Did a very easy 20 mins on the stationary bike. Took a sauna for a few minutes to sweat out the virus. Had a ham sandwich for breakfast. Had a ham sandwich for lunch. Had a ham sandwich and spaghetti for dinner!

Alycia had a very long day. Things are rather unorganized and chaotic but she hung in there.

The conference is meant to gather together young adults from East Africa to talk through reconciliation issues. Alycia is working on the media team--oveseeing young adults who will record the conference via blogs and video. You can read firsthand about it on their official blog.

I'll head over in the afternoon tomorrow, when the event starts, to take in the sessions (which should be very interesting) and offer moral support where I can.

Feeling a bit better. My voice is almost ready to get started on the path to getting started again!

Till tomorrow...

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