Friday, March 13, 2009

Hanging in Israel--6

Our last full day in Israel:

Highlights from today: Visiting the Antonio Fortress where Jesus faced Pilate and was beaten by the soldiers.

Golgatha and the Garden Tomb/communion experience.

We also visited the new Holocaust Museum. A tough subject but the Museum was really well done.

It has been an indescribable trip (hence the short posts--it's all hard to describe!).

Israel gets in your heart and soul. It really does become a second home.

Having said that, we're looking forward to getting back to our first home.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hanging in Israel--5

Thursday, March 12--

Walking through the excavations of King David's city down to the pools of Siloam.

Standing on the original steps to the southern entrance to the temple--steps Jesus would have walked on.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hanging in Israel--4

More Highlights from Israel:

Finishing up Monday, March 9--floating on the Dead Sea

Tuesday, March 10--Masada (I climbed the snake path up the mountain to the Fortress built there by King Herod!). Riding into Jerusalem

Wednesday, March 11--The Herodion (another palace built by Herod, this time inside a mountain top). Visiting with Pastor Mitri at Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem. Reading the Christmas Story in Bethlehem.

Really, really, really excellent bread and hummus.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hanging in Israel--3

It's Monday afternoon. We're at the Dead Sea. I'm contemplating whether or not to take a "float" on the Sea for awhile.

Since the pictures won't upload and since I don't want to do a travelogue, I thought I would try to give my 3-5 highlights from each day.

Obviously, I'm a bit behind so here goes: (I'll start with today and work backwards):

Monday, March 9--An "easy day." We stopped at Bet She'an, an old Roman town that is being "rebuilt" via excavation. I love this place. It's also the sight where King Saul's and his son Jonathan's bodies were hung after they died in battle.

Sunday, March 8: Nimrod's Fortress (a Crusader Fortress on top of a hill--very cool!); Caesarea Philippi, the place where Jesus asks his disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" It's the headwaters of the Jordan River and we had a great walk along it to some awesome waterfalls. Tel Dan (a tel is a hill created by building one city on top of another over generations).

Thursday, March 5-Saturday, March 7--The Sea of Galilee area. This is my favorite spot in Israel. Capernaum, the headquarters of Jesus' ministry, Zippori (a hugh excavated town near Nazareth where Jesus and his dad probably worked as tradesmen), the place of the Beatitudes, the Sea itself. Watching the sun set on the Galilee was a highlight.

The food has been fantastic.

Obviously lots more but those are a few highlights so far.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hanging in Israel--2

We've been having a fantastic experience in Israel. But I've found it difficult to blog about it for 2 reasons. The days are long so I've not had much chance to sit down and write. And...I don't want to simply give a travelogue. I tried to upload some pictures but the internet is so very slow that the pics aren't uploading.

So...we've seen some really cool stuff.

Having a great time. Wish you were here!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hanging in Israel--1

A group of about 18 of us, most of us from Grace, left Phoenix on Monday evening for a journey to Israel. After a 10 hour flight to London we headed into the city on a very cold, blustery, raining afternoon for what turned out to be a quick, cold walk.

After another 5 hours to Israel, we landed in Tel Aiv at 5 am. That meant a long day to stay up!

Our hotel was on the Mediterranean Ocean so quite lovely. About 3 miles down the coast is the ancient city of Jaffa (or Joppa in some Bibles). It was from Jaffa that Jonah boarded a ship to run away from God. It was in Jaffa that Peter, staying at Simon the Tanner's house, healed Tabitha. The Roman Centurion Cornelius sent some men down from Caesarea to Jaffa (at the request of an angel). While they were on the way Peter, in Jaffa, had a dream about unclean animals. God used that dream to remind Peter that the Gentiles are not unclean. Peter went from Jaffa to Caesarea to visit with Cornelius who ended up becoming a Christian.

The next day we headed up to Caesarea ourselves. It's a fascinating ruin on the Sea built by Herod the great. The Theatre still stands, as does the Hippodrome. You can see some of the amazing outlines of his palace. Paul would have been held here before being sent off to Rome. Pilate spent much of his time here while governing Jerusalem.

We also visited Mt. Carmel where Elijah took on the prophets of bail in a contest to see who was God. God won hands down. Then, finally, off to Megiddo, a tel (a hill made up of one city being built up on top of another.) We can see the gates from the time of Solomon. Other buildings from the time of King Ahab. Plus a very, very cool underground water system.

For the next several days we're staying on a Kibutz, run by very orthodox Jews. A beautiful place right on the Sea of Galilee.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Musings on 25 Years of Ordained Ministry--17: Final Thoughts

Today is the actual 25th Anniversary of my ordination (at least where I am). I'm sitting in Tel Aviv, Israel as I write this.

On Sunday Community of Grace threw me a nice party to celebrate the big event. It was great fun.

As I wrap up--a few thoughts on what's most important on a day like this:

Grandparents who nurtured me in the faith
Parents who prayed for me every day and encouraged my hopes and dreams
Teachers and youth leaders and pastors who shared Jesus with me
Professors and Bible teachers who challenged my faith
Congregations that provided the resources so that someone like me could hear about Jesus

The many, many great people I've worked with over the years from Walt and the staff of Joy to my current partners in mission--the staff and congregation of Grace

I interviewed former Cards quarterback Neil Lomax on Sunday. He said what's more important than being a great ball player is being a great dad.

I love being a dad. I am so very, very proud of my kids. Alycia's passion for the abused, oppressed and voiceless has had a profound impact on me and on Community of Grace. Mike's love of music and sports brings such joy to me, and his music such grace to the church. Alycia's hubby Corey and Mike's wife Amber are true answers to our prayers.

I love being married to Jan. She has been and is the best life partner I could have. From loving Jesus to her passion for ministry to her support of my calling to those long days putting up with my anxiety, to being a fantastic mom, I love her with my whole heart.

Finally, it's always about and has always been about Jesus, that he would love and use someone such as me. All praise, honor, and worship goes to him. He's called me. And that alone brings enough humility, joy, and head-scratching to last a lifetime.