Friday, June 13, 2008

Tim Russert

Tim Russert, of NBC News, died today, apparently of a heart attack. I was a Tim Russert fan. I didn't get to watch Meet the Press on Sundays as I work that day, but being a news junkie I saw him often. And I always enjoyed his reporting. There was something about him that gave the sense he loved what he was doing, he loved the topic, and he loved bringing the news to us.

As I heard the news about his death and tuned into MSNBC to listen in on the many tributes, my first thought was, "He had to be a man of faith." It radiated over the TV time and again even though I had never heard him say anything about it. Sure enough, turns out he was a deeply committed Catholic. As his friends and colleagues talked about his faith, I turned to Jan and said, "It's interesting to hear journalists talking about faith." She said, "When someone models faith the way Tim Russert did, without cramming it down people's throats, people admire that."

Tim was not only a great news man, he was a family man. And a man who lived the Jesus life through his calling as a newscaster.

It's sad that he will not be a part of what promises to be one of the most interesting presidential races in a long time.

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