Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Recession Fatigue and the Mission of Grace

On Sunday, September 1, the Arizona Republic featured this headline: Despite Gains Across U.S., Ariz. Recovery Still Lags 

Here are some of the (low)lights:

*46% of jobs lost in Arizona have been replaced since the worst of the downturn, compared with 77% nationally

*43--Arizona's rank in private-sector job creation since 2010

*75% of jobs created in Arizona in the next year likely will require a high-school diploma or less

One "expert" quoted says it looks like we have three more years to go until Arizona recovers.

Think about that: That will mean a recession--a deep recession--lasting at least 10 years in our state.

In other words, Arizona was one of the first states hit by the great recession, we were one of the states to take the hardest hit, and we will be one of the last to recover.

As the rest of the nation celebrates the growing recovery, we're going to continue to wrestle with a sluggish one, which can lead to deep frustration and recession fatigue--and one of its byproducts: giving fatigue.

From the moment the recession hit, Grace has followed a far different path--trusting Jesus to be bigger than the economy.  And in the midst of the deepest economic down-turn any of us remember, God has done big things through us, the most tangible sign being the building of our campus in the heart of the recession.

Each year we have increased our budget significantly.  And each year, in spite of the dire economic news, you have opened your hearts (and wallets) to the abundance of God's resources, and we have demonstrated to the world that God's grace runs deeper than the deepest recession.

But even people of big faith can get weary.  And after awhile, we reach a point where we need a bit of a breather.  We've been going and growing at breakneck speed for almost 9 years.  God has done the improbable and impossible in and through us.  And he's just getting started.

But just as we need a day off once a week, just as we need vacations to break up our routine and get off the fast track--so in expanding the mission of Grace we need to rest up to move forward again.

I've been sensing for the last few months that after the hard work we've been doing these last 8 years we need a "giving year" that stretches us but that doesn't over-tax us, so to speak.  We need a bit of a "let's not increase the budget significantly this year"rest.

Then, as Michelle put the budget together, God confirmed that sense.

God wants to do something counter-intuitive through us again: To give us a breather while expanding the mission of Grace exponentially.  

As we'll announce later in the year, because of some financial changes in our staff insurance plan, we will be able in 2014 to keep our budget at nearly the same level as 2013, and expand our mission at the same time!  That's great news.

The other great news is that God still needs our generosity to change the world.  This has been our tightest financial year yet in our history (and we have a lot of work to do these next 4 months to end strong!).  Methinks recession fatigue has finally hit us.  So 2014 will be a good year to stretch a bit and live into our current budget before God hits the gas and moves us into the next 10 years of expanding the mission of Grace.

Year 9 of our mission will be a "hinge year" as we move from Building a Community of Grace to Expanding the Mission of Grace.  Our theme for year 9: Let us not grow weary of doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we don't give up.  So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all..." Galatians 6:9-10.

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