Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday, May 31 stuff

It's been quite a few days:

Our little Grandbaby Clover--beautiful and perfect by the way--has been having trouble (to put this delicately) pooping. She's pooped once since she was born. The hospital had hoped for two poops (I'm trying to set a blogging record for writing poop or a form thereof), but after staying an extra day they told mom and dad not to worry about it and to call their Pediatrician if something didn't move, so to speak, by Friday. Nothing moved. The doctor said not to worry and wait until Monday, unless she started vomiting. She started vomiting on Saturday. Another call to the doctor. This time the doctor said she needed to go to Phoenix Children's Hospital. Needless to say, Mom Amber was pretty shaken. So were we all.

After waiting several hours my son called to say the news was not great. Clover had no blockage or infection, but the x-ray found a small spot. They suspected a somewhat rare condition in which a part of the intestine is virtually paralyzed, making it tough to poop. To verify their suspicion they needed to keep her overnight and run some tests today.

I had the chance to watch my son do some quick manning-up. He took charge by doing what dad's do best--He convinced his wife to go home and rest (since she hadn't slept since Tuesday!) and remained calm through it all. Thankfully Amber's mom was able to spend the night with Clover in the hospital.

Personally, I wasn't sure I'd be mentally in the game for worship today. But I slept well and the hospital didn't run the tests until the late morning.

It was a good day for me to be in worship--to sing songs of hope and God's power, to be with my faith family in a time of uncertainty. And I'm really enjoying this new series so while a bit distracted, God got us through.

This afternoon we received word that they had done a biopsy on little Clover. While we won't know the results until tomorrow, things look a bit better. It may be that their original suspicion is not correct. In fact, the doctors are hopeful that by tomorrow she may start pooping on her own.

As for me, I'm a bit pooped myself.

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