Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Work Junkie

Going into October I knew I had a long stretch in which I would not get a day off. Even though Jan and I did spend a night in Vegas, I worked up until we left and was back at it as soon as we got home. Sunday will mark 27 days without a full day off.

I don't write this to brag. In fact, just the opposite. I re-learned something during this stretch.

God created us to rest for a reason! I've found that the more I work, the more I have to work. And when I finally get a minute to slow down, to pray, read the paper, watch a TV show, my adrenaline is such that I can't relax. I'm constantly in this "work state," with this nervous energy coursing through me.

Over the last few years I've been learning how to keep my life in harmony--work, rest, relationships, spiritual disciplines, etc. And when it's time to rest and relax, I can turn it off pretty easily.

But this last month I've become a work junkie. I need my next email fix, my next blog post fix, my next fix, my next study fix, etc. Part of it is exhilarating to be honest. But when I wake up wired at 4 am ready to go, it's also exhausting. Our bodies simply weren't designed for that kind of non-stop energy/activity. If God needs a day off, we need a day off. At the very least.

Starting Monday, I have to relearn how to rest and relax all over again--cold turkey. I'll be the guy at the movie theater, sitting next to a beautiful blond (my wife for those of you who don't know her) shaking, with the cold sweats, trying to keep from running out of the theater to get to my computer.

1 comment:

Michelle Halonen said...

Did you see a good movie on your day off? I "might" be a work junkie, too, but I do know how important it is to guard at least part of your day off to go out on a date with your sweetheart!
Hope you had great fun!