Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wednesday Musings

I've been working on my sermon for Sunday. We're in a series called, Get in the Game. It's built around our mission statement of following Jesus on the bold, daring, reckless adventure of bringing grace to the world. To be more honest, the series is based on Jesus' call to us to live missionally--to see our daily lives as moments in which we serve Jesus. This Sunday we're looking at The Great Commission--to make disciples of all nations--and how the Great Commandment--to love God and neighbors--helps us carry out the Great Commission. It's an exciting series in that living missionally, seeing our jobs/lives as sacred callings, is really where the rubber meets the road for Christians. It's a simple concept, really. But hard to live out in the moment by moment rhythm of life.

The upside of such a series is the thrill of seeing our lives through new lenses--to see how living in "Jesus' name" can re-focus and re-energize everything we do. The downside for me is that I'm not a real person. I live in the church world. I don't spend most of my work day in the "secular" marketplace, in the mission field, so to speak. So I'm learning along with our community of faith what this following Jesus Monday-Saturday really looks like.

It's been great biking weather the last few mornings! Finally!

The new TV season has started. So far we've checked out The Big Bang, Chuck, and Heroes. I really enjoyed all three. We got hooked on Heroes last year.

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